Explore the special days and themes for the month of December!
This calendar is a guide for you and your team to use as you plan meaningful, internal events and activities virtually for December. This month has a focus on Universal Human Rights Month. Many companies and teams are also celebrating the end of the year and the winter holiday season.
Add Epoch’s calendar to be ahead of 2022’s cultural and holiday events!
World AIDS Day takes place yearly on December 1st to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic, fight against HIV and those who have died of the disease. This special day was started in 1988 and has been celebrated every year globally since.
Idea: In your workplace there are many things you can do to show support such as wearing a red ribbon, educating others and running fundraisers for this cause. Here are some tools and resources for your workplace from the National AIDS Trust.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities was first observed in 1992 and has continued to be observed annually on December 3rd. Approximately 15% of the world's population are living with some form of disability. This observance helps to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities around the world. COVID-19 has also created many difficulties and barriers for persons with disabilities.
It's important to create an inclusive environment for all in the workplace. Also, giving back to organizations that support persons with disabilities, is especially important during these challenging times.
International Volunteer Day takes place annually on December 5th across the globe. This day is dedicated to honoring all of the time and effort volunteers put in every day to help others around them. The two main themes for this year are climate action and inclusion.
Idea: Provide local volunteering opportunities for your team to participate in to give back to the community. Spread resources and encouragement to boost your company's volunteering goals.
Idea: If you are looking to run a social media campaign to feature your company's volunteering efforts, UN Volunteers put together a collection of resources for anyone to use. These resources help to spread the word around volunteering and make sure to also include the hashtags: #VolunteerNow and #IVD2021.
Every year on December 10th Human Rights Day is observed globally. This marks the day the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted back in 1948. The theme this year for 2021 is Equality and during times like this we all need to become more inclusive and welcoming to all.
With Winter right around the corner many locations will see the temperatures get colder and some may even see snow! The best way for your team to enjoy and celebrate the seasons changing is by going outdoors.
Idea: Some classic winter activities include ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, winter walks, and bonfires.
The end of the year is a time to reflect on everything that was completed throughout the year and plan your goals for the new year. It's hard to believe that 2022 is just around the corner, but with a new year brings motivation for a fresh start. Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!
In addition, December is a busy time where everyone is wrapping up year end tasks and a time of celebration as a team for all that was achieved in the year. It's a great time to bring your team together and show appreciation for all of their hard work during the year. This can be done by having an awards show style event where employees are mentioned and rewarded for their achievements and milestones. Additionally, festive and winter themed events are planned for teams to celebrate this time of year. Common events include ugly Christmas sweater day, gingerbread house decorating competition, sugar cookie caking class, hot chocolate and festive movie night. It is also important to be mindful that your team members come from different religions, so it's important to create events that are inclusive to all, regardless of the holidays they celebrate.
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👉 Check out our full list of workplace culture and holiday events for 2021 here! 👈